An AI-Based Platform Set to Transform Stock Investing in Saudi Arabia with Unbelievably Accurate Predictions! 

The Kingdom’s First Real-Time Investment Prediction Platform

Get early access!

Be the First to Experience Core Invest’s Cutting-Edge Investment Calculator

Tawfeq Zbaidi, 29

Head of Business Development, Jeddah

“I’m excited for Core Invest’s launch. After challenges with traditional platforms, I look forward to using an AI-driven tool that adapts to our complex economy.

Haneen Abu Alayan, 33, Riyadh

Manager – Madar Al Etihad Real Estate Company

“I’ve been struggling to profit from stocks on Tadawul, especially since COVID. I’m excited for Core Invest’s launch as it promises smart investing guidance with an AI investment calculator to help me save!”

Do You Face These Challenges When Investing?

Navigating the complexities of investing in Saudi Arabia can be daunting for new investors. Are you struggling with:

Analyzing too much data from different sources to make smart investment decisions? 

Keeping up with fast-changing local and global economic news?

Not getting timely and relevant insights from traditional investment firms? 

Dealing with generic advice from other AI-based robo advisors that don’t consider Saudi-specific factors?

Finding that other AI platforms rely too heavily on historical data without incorporating current events? 

Feeling overwhelmed by the lack of personalization in other investment tools? 

Core Invest: Revolutionizing Investment

Core Invest is an advanced, AI-driven platform crafted to enhance your investment strategy in the Saudi market. Our focus is on delivering powerful tools that simplify and refine your investment decisions.

Introducing Our MVP

Smart Calculator

Our Investment Calculator is at the heart of our MVP launch. It will use our proprietary AI model to analyze user inputs and generate a prioritized list of the top stock investment opportunities by considering unique economic and geopolitical factors.

Coming Soon

Investment Research Pages

In the future, our platform will expand to include detailed Investment Research Pages. These will offer extensive data and analysis on various stocks, integrating market trends and economic indicators to support deeper, more informed investment decisions.

Future Feature

Seamless Trading

Also on the horizon is our Seamless Trading feature. It will integrate directly into the platform, streamlining the trading process and enhancing user convenience for a smooth, efficient investment experience. 

Use Our Investment
Calculator in 3 Simple Steps

Using Core Invest’s Investment Calculator is easy and efficient. Follow these three simple steps to get tailored stock investment recommendations and advice:

Input Details

Enter your starting amount, desired time duration, and expected return on investment (ROI). 


Click calculate and automatically run our AI-driven analysis, assessing your inputs against market data.

Review Results

Get a personalized list of stock recommendations that match your investment goals and appetite. 

What Future Core Invest Users Are Saying

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Be the First to Experience Core Invest's Cutting-Edge Investment Calculator

Core Invest is an AI-driven platform that offers super accurate investment advice and predictions tailored to the Saudi market. Our algorithm matches stocks with your investment appetite, while considering both local and global economic and political events. Real-time predictions help you strategize and achieve your financial goals in a more informed way. 

Take uncertainty out of your investments with Core Invest.

Sign up now by providing your name and email to secure exclusive early access to our platform.

Enjoy a free first month trial, with a subscription fee of $99/month thereafter.

The Core Invest Advantage: How We Compare to Other Saudi Investment Tools

Core Invest surpasses both traditional and modern investment platforms through its sophisticated AI capabilities.

Investment Research Pages

Core Invest

Other Investment Tools

Traditional platforms provided by popular banks, widely known SaaS trading platforms in Saudi Arabia, and standard Robo Advisors use generic algorithm based on historical data. Core Invest Intel’s proprietary AI model considers real-time data to offer superior predictive accuracy and relevance.

Localized Insights

Core Invest

Other Investment Tools

Our AI-driven platform incorporates specific economic and geopolitical factors affecting the Saudi market, providing personalized, data-driven advice tailored specifically for your investment needs. 

High Accuracy

Core Invest

Other Investment Tools

With unprecedented accuracy in investment predictions, our advanced algorithms ensure that your investment decisions are supported by the most reliable data, going beyond the levels of accuracy practically possible through traditional platforms and advisors. 

An Experienced Team Set to Simplify Retail Investments in KSA

Core Invest Intel is led by Omar Abdulkader and Bandar Faisal, a dedicated and experienced team with extensive backgrounds in trading, investments, and finance. Both founders have excelled in startup environments and bring their deep passion and expertise to Core Invest. Their mission is to transform the retail investment landscape in Saudi Arabia by making AI-driven tools accessible to everyone.

Omar Abdulkader

CEO / Founder

Bandar Faisal

CMO / Co-Founder

Matti Ur Rehman Muhammed Mansha

CTO / Co-Founder

Watch Our CEO/Founder Discuss Our Vision:

Learn more about our mission and how we aim to revolutionize retail investments from our CEO/Founder, Omar.

Our Startup Journey So Far, Steady Progress

Here are a few of our accomplishments even before launching Core Invest’s MVP Product, which provide immense credibility to our startup, our idea, and our vision.

MISK Launchpad

Our participation in the prestigious MISK Launchpad and progression through its many stages have allowed us to gain invaluable mentorship, exposure, and validation of our idea plus vision.

Regional Tech Investor Interest

We’ve received extremely positive feedback on our product from prominent investors in the region with several expressing the idea’s uniqueness.

Investor Community Feedback

We engaged with 50 early interested users (and countless others unofficially) who have shown strong enthusiasm and provided valuable feedback about our MVP product, our Investment Calculator.

Secure Your Spot for Exclusive Early Access!

Don’t miss out on the chance to use Core Invest’s advanced Investment Calculator with our special early access offer. Sign up now to claim your free first month’s trial and be among the first to experience precision-driven investment insights in Saudi!

Disclaimer: Core Invest is in the process of applying for relevant licenses through the CMA, Saudi Central Bank (SAMA), and other relevant authorities in alignment with regulations in KSA. Once the license is issued, our product, website, and all other relevant aspects will be updated accordingly.